txid : c1b33012c1d931de21b68b720b6fb0b3f6e9ba53b7a11f4bde2dd6ae4e79a83f
[Certificate if Green Class Rating]
1. Issuer: SDX Foundation CRC
2. Name of Company: Dongsung Chemical Co.Ltd
4. Company Registration Number: 603-81-68642
5. Address : 99, Sinsan-ro, Saha-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
6. Date of issue: 26 April 2023
7. Date of expiry: 25 April 2025
7. Certificate Number : SDXCRC-GCR-20230426-0004
8. Hash: 9911ede36f12931ee0a05c4fb1bbfc97a1
9. Certificate Detail :
The GHG emissions of the target company 0.0193 tonCO2eq./million won
Evaluation result: OUTSTANDING judgment due to a 73% decrease from the standard of 0.0710 tonCO2eq./million won for the Other Chemical Products industry sector.
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