txid : d60281803abab8481cd0003f0b5252b400f67506ba4666bf5d5f9f9680507d7d
[Information of Carbon Reduction Certificate]
1. Issuer: SDX Foundation CRC
2. Name of Company: Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) Co., Ltd
3. Company Registration Number: 120-86-18943
4. Address : 1655, Bulguk-ro, munmudaewang-myeon, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 38120, Republic of Korea
5. Name of CEO : Whang, Joo-ho
6. Industry sector : nuclear power generation
7. Target project name : Carbon reduction certificate on “Photovoltaic Safety Street Lights Change Project
8. Date of issue: 26 April 2023
8. Date of expiry: 25 April 2025
9. Certificate Number : SDXCRC-CRC-20230426-0001
10. Hash: 9911ede38159833210a05c4fb1bbfc97a1
11. Certificate Detail :
1) Photovoltaic Safety Street Lights Change
322 street lights in 2019, 322 street lights in 2020, 387 street lights in 2021
2) Carbon generation in general safety street light production and use: 718.25 ton CO2 eq.
- In case of no change of 322 street lights in 2019
- 2019 – 2022 (Production and installation, energy use): 251.43 ton CO2 eq.
- In case of no change of 322 street lights in 2020
- 2020 – 2022 (Production and installation, energy use): 225.93 ton CO2 eq.
- In case of no change of 387 street lights in 2021
- 2021 – 2022 (Production and installation, energy use): 240.90 ton CO2 eq.
3) Carbon generation in Photovoltaic Safety Street Lights production and use: 552.62 ton CO2 eq.
- 322 Photovoltaic Safety Street Lights Production and installation, energy use in 2019, 536 ㎏CO₂eq.x322=172.59 ton CO2 eqv.
- 322 Photovoltaic Safety Street Lights Production and installation, energy use in 2020, 536 ㎏CO₂eq.x322=172.59 ton CO2 eqv.
- 387 Photovoltaic Safety Street Lights Production and Installation, energy use in 2021, 536 ㎏CO₂eq.x387=207.43 ton CO2 eqv.
- Use phase
: No electricity use
: Carbon generation 0 ㎏CO₂eq./kWh
Carbon Reduction Amount = Carbon generation in general safety street lights - Carbon generation in Photovoltaic Safety Street Lights = 718.25 ton CO₂eq. – 552.62 ton CO₂eq. = 165.64 ton CO₂eq.
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