txid : e40b0771f0a978bb18c9fb22841929017a2378f76c97da4f66e1d5dbda9d0aae
[Information of Carbon Reduction Certificate]
1. Issuer: SDX Foundation CRC
2. Name of Company: SUNG GWANG SMOG Co., Ltd.
3. Company Registration Number: 512-87-01779
4. Address : B-09, Jungseojinro 410, Seogu, Incheon (Environment Industry Science Park)
5. Name of CEO : Gumpyo Hong
6. Industry sector : Parts manufacturing for vehicle engine
7. Target project name : Carbon reduction certificate on “Installation and use project of Exhaust Induction Device (EID) for Improvement of combustion the efficiency of Internal combustion engine in LPG fuel Taxi vehicles”
8. Date of issue: 26 April 2023
8. Date of expiry: 25 April 2025
9. Certificate Number : SDXCRC-CRC-20230426-0003
10. Hash: 9911ede381c5766370a05c4fb1bbfc97a1
11. Certificate Detail :
Month 1, total carbon generation from 39 LPG Taxis use: 11,409.41 kgCO2 eqv./299,303km
839.73 kg CO2 eqv. reduction compared with not using EID
Month 2, total carbon generation from 39 LPG Taxis use: 11,601.98 kgCO2 eqv./232,928km
871.31 kg CO2 eqv. reduction compared with not using EID
Month 3, total carbon generation from 39 LPG Taxis use: 11,076.30 kgCO2 eqv./214,920km
469.64 kg CO2 eqv. reduction compared with not using EID
Carbon Reduction amount : 2,180.68 kg CO2 eqv.
Carbon reduction factor per 1 km use of LPG vehicle using EID: 3.22 g CO2eqv./km
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